The production of fruits and vegetables is water intensive. Water is used for irrigating crops, applying nutrients and pesticides, preventing frost damage, moving produce, and washing and cooling produce. Water used in agriculture is a potential source of foodborne pathogens. The FDA developed standards for agricultural water used on farms, which are published in the Produce Safety Rule. Agricultural water (Subpart E in the Produce Safety Rule) is defined as water used in the "growing, harvesting, packing, or holding of covered produce". The goal of the agricultural water standard is to ensure that agricultural water is “safe” and “of adequate sanitary quality for its intended use".
For farms subject to the Produce Safety Rule, compliance dates for most provisions began January 26, 2018, depending on the farm’s business size. However, grower concerns about the complexity and feasibility of meeting the standards for agricultural water resulted in delayed enforcement of regulations. For agricultural water used during harvest and postharvest, enforcement dates for all business sizes began in January 2023. However, for agricultural water used for preharvest activities (other than sprouts) compliance has been delayed until after the proposed revisions have been finalized. Until the proposed changes to the standards for agricultural water used for preharvest activities are finalized producers should follow the microbial criteria and testing requirements in the final Produce Safety Rule.
Preharvest: Agricultural Water Used Growing Activities
- Water must be safe and of adequate sanitary quality for its intended use.
- Water systems must be inspected at least once annually at the beginning of the growing season and must be adequately maintained.
- Surface water: Twenty (20) samples must be taken in the first year (baseline) and then tested five times every year thereafter. Water must meet a microbial standard of a geometric mean of 126 cells of generic Escherichia coli (an indicator of fecal contamination) in 100 ml of water.
Ground water: Four (4) samples must be taken in the first year (baseline) and then tested once every year thereafter. Water must meet a microbial standard of a geometric mean of 126 cells of generic Escherichia coli (an indicator of fecal contamination) in 100 ml of water.
- Public water source: Water from a public water supply does not need to be tested but the farm must keep documentation showing that the water meets microbial standards.
- If a water source fails the microbial standard corrective actions must be implemented before the water can be used on the crops. Examples of corrective measures include allowing time for potentially harmful microorganisms to die off between irrigation/crop protection sprays and harvest or treating the water with approved methods.
- All water test results must be documented.
Webinar on new proposed agricultural water rule for pre-harvest activities.
Postharvest: Agricultural Water Used During Harvest and Postharvest Activities
- Water must be safe and of adequate sanitary quality for its intended use.
- Water systems must be inspected at least once annually at the beginning of the growing season and must be adequately maintained. Records of the water system inspection must be kept.
- Surface water: Untreated surface water must not be used.
- Ground water: Untreated ground water must be sampled four times in the first year (baseline) and then tested at least once every year thereafter. Water must meet a microbial standard of no detectable generic Escherichia coli (an indicator of fecal contamination) in 100 ml of water.
- Public water source: Water from a public water supply does not need to be tested but the farm must keep documentation showing that the water meets microbial standards.
- If a water source fails, the microbial standard (stop use of the water) corrective actions must be implemented, and four new water tests must be taken.
- All water test results must be documented.
List of Agricultural Water Resources
- FSMA Produce Safety Rule Water Requirements: Insights to Get You Organized! Focus on Harvest and Postharvest Uses
- FSMA Proposed Rule on Agricultural Water
- Agricultural Water Assessment Factsheet
- Agricultural Water Assessment Builder