Equicert presents Harmonized Food Safety Audit
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Equicert is a private company. OSU does not endorse any one auditing company.
Equicert is presenting a 2 day course on the new United Fresh Harmonized Standards for Produce Safety (pre-farm gate only). The USDA will be using the Harmonized Standards in their audits come 2013.
The scenario based instruction goes line by line through the standard with real world examples of application. When you are through you won’t have to wonder what a section means! Participants will include auditors who worked on the pilot evaluation program, technical working group members, growers, educators, buyers, and food safety professionals. This is the same quality training that all auditors who use the standard are required to take. Quality participants guarantees quality discussions! We promise: NO POWERPOINT! Lunch is provided daily, a real meat and potatoes sit down meal. Do not miss this opportunity to build familiarity with the standard! Tuesday October 16 and Wednesday October 17, optional certified Amish farm tour on the 18thDay 1 and 2 will involve training on the written standards with an optional day 3 of on October 18th for a mock training audit on a produce auction and farm tours.
COST: $550.00
Lunch included day 1 and 2