GAPS 3-Hour Training: Belmont County

To Register: Contact Dan Lima at the Belmont County Extension Office 740-695-1455

Good Agricultural Practices are best practices put in place to reduce the risk of foodborne contamination on produce at the farm level.  These practices are options to REDUCE but can never ELIMINATE all the risks of contamination.

The Good Agricultural Practices Training covers:

  • Water Quality
  • Biological Soil Amendments
  • Wildlife and Domestic Animal Intrusion
  • Worker Hygiene
  • Equipment, Buildings, and Tool Care
This training is an education on best practices and is NOT an audit or certification program.  Attendees will receive a certificate of attendance.  The class does NOT make you "GAPS-CERTIFIED".  GAPS Certification requires a 3rd party audit from an auditing firm or USDA.  An audit may require "proof of GAPS education or training" for which the attendance sheet would apply.