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National Good Agriculture Practices Program
The National GAPs Program was established in 1999 and based at Cornell University ( The GAPs Program has collaborators in 34 states throughout the nation and has created many educational materials to help implement good agricultural practices on the farm. Implementation of on-farm GAPs is voluntary with no federal governance. GAP adoption and certification offers two primary benefits:
1) Reduce the risk that a foodborne disease outbreak will originate on the farm and
2) Improved market access opportunities.
Good Agriculture Practices (GAPs) Program at Ohio State University
GAPS are a series of voluntary management guidelines that can help to reduce the risks of microbial contamination of fruits and vegetables. GAPs can be incorporated into any production system and targets pre-harvest and post-harvest practices.
GAPs address four major routes of foodborne pathogen contamination of fresh produce: water, waste, wildlife and workers. For more information on GAPs programs at OSU contact Dr. Sanja Ilic or Dr. Melanie L. Ivey (Team Leaders).