
Search results

  1. OSU Students Travel to Tampa Bay Aquatic Preserves

    involvement which incorporated GIS/GPS Interpreter trails, mapping restoration sites and exotic plant removal ...

  2. Prevalence of Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Salmonella, and Cephalosporin-Resistant E. Coli Strains in Canada Goose Feces at Urban and Rural Sites in Central Ohio

    Strains in Canada Goose Feces at Urban and Rural Sites in Central Ohio in 245 Kottman Hall. Large ... and urban sites throughout the Greater Columbus. My central hypothesis was that prevalence of ...

  3. EEDS Faculty Leader to Discuss Sustainable Development

    closing session of the COMPAS event. Irwin is a co-investigator on several research projects funded by the ... director of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. He is co-founder and Chief Strategist of ...

  4. Olentangy Wetland to Host Earth Day Cleanup

    event’s co-sponsors include the  Sierra Club Central Ohio Group  and the  Columbus Recreation and Parks ...

  5. Subjectivity in Expert Decision Making: Risk Assessment, Acceptability, and Cognitive Biases affecting Endangered Species Act Listing Judgments for the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Grizzly Bear

    are being considered. A web-based survey of researchers who have published peer-reviewed findings on ...

  6. The Bridges between Science, Policy and Action- Lessons Learned from the Delaware River Basin and Beyond

    Hall will be available at This seminar is co-sponsored by ...

  7. TWEL Dissertation Graziano

    my research investigated the underlying drivers of colonization of novel breeding sites by ... pool-breeding amphibians, by examining the degree of breeding site connectivity in a managed forest and the ... populations may be enhanced by strategically placing breeding sites on the landscape that capitalize on ...

  8. TWEL Katie Robertson Dissertation

    our predictions, coyotes at highly urban sites (e.g., downtown Chicago) and coyotes in protected ...

  9. Posters due for CFAES Annual Research Conference

    filling out an online poster registration form, uploading their abstract, as well as the pdf of their ...

  10. Olivia Smith Graduate Defense Seminar

    a model organism.  I conducted my research on four private land study sites in Highland and Brown ... pooled estimate between sites was a decline of-0.512 detections per point per year, mirroring range wide ...
